Number of specialization: 01.04.16 (Atom nuclear and elementary particles physics)
- 1962-1964, Assistant of professor, Physical Department of MSU
- 1964-1969, Researcher of INP MSU
- 1969-1991, Senior researcher of INP MSU
- 1991-present, Leading scientific researcher of INP MSU
- Main field: High energy interaction between particles, particles and nuclei, nuclei with nuclei
- Other field: Models of elementary particles, mechanism of nuclear reactions, nuclear astrophysics
- Current research interest: Production of hadron resonances, Quark-Gluon Spectroscopy, Heavy Ion Collision Physics
Teacher's Activities:
- Lectures "Particle and Nuclear Physics" on Physical
Department of MSU
- Seminars on Quantum Mechanic for students
- Leadership of the five Ph.D. post-graduate students
- Leadership of students engaged on degree thesis
Participation in experiments:
- The theoretical calculation and the analysis of data in
experiment of ITEP (Moscow,1972-1978) on the Rho-meson production by
pions at 3.72 Gev/c on nuclear target
- The analysis of data in MSS JINR experiment (Dubna-Milan
International collaboration, 1971-1981) devoted to the
diffraction dissociation of pion on nuclear target at 40 GeV/c
(Serpukhov accelerator)
- The theoretical calculation and the analysis of data in
experiment of ITEP (Moscow,1981-1986) on the one-nucleon
disintegration of light nuclei at 2.0 GeV/c
- The analysis of data in SMS MSU experiment (Dubna,
1985-1990) devoted to the space-time structure of hadron
interaction in proton- nucleus collisions at 9 GeV/c (JINR
- The analysis of data in the international experiment "Search of Mesons with Unusual Quantum Numbers" (E852 collaboration) at BNL's Alternating Gradient Synchrotron accelerator (1991-present)
Main results in last ten years 1992-2003:
- I examine the important effect of hadron formation time
in the problem of quark hadronization. With the help of Monte
Carlo simulation of interactions we show that the only way to
make a choice between the different theoretical predictions of
hadron formation time is the investigation of subsequent
hadron-nucleon interactions and its consequences. For that aim
we suggested to measure the backward-going proton energy
spectrum in coincidence with produced hadron resonances in
hadron-nucleus interaction at energies of some tens of GeV
- For the study of the nucleus-nucleus interactions we
developed a model which use one inelastic NN-interaction
approximation. It can describe the exclusive production
processes with small cross-section on the planning accelerators
RHIC and LHC. A-dependence nuclear coherent and incoherent
production processes are predicted.
- I and my co-workers study the high- p_t particles production
in Upsilon-resonance region in Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energy 6.3A TeV and predict the ratio of Signal of Upsilon and Background.
We simulate the jets production in S-S collisions in Compact Muon Solenoid and study the properties of transverse energy spectrum. It is important for Quark-Gluon Signatures in Heavy Ion Collisions.
- I am taking an active part in the international experiment "Search of Mesons with Unusual Quantum Numbers" (E852 collaboration: BNL, MSU, IHEP and 6 USA universities) at BNL's Alternating Gradient Synchrotron accelerator(USA). The aim of the experiment is to discover the new form of matter as the quark-antiquark-gluon bound states (Hybrids) or gluon-gluon bound state (Glueballs). The states are predicted by QCD models and there are some candidates now. Two exotic mesons Pi_1(1400 MeV) and Pi_1(1600 MeV with JPC=1-+ have a credible evidence in our experiment.
- A new process of a nuclear excitation to discrete states in peripheral heavy ion collisions is studied. High energy photons are emitted by the exited nuclei with energies up to a few tens GeV at angles of a few hundred microradians with respect to the beam direction. We show that a two stage process where an electron - positron pair is produced by virtual photons emitted by nuclei and then the electron or positron excites the nucleus, has large cross section. It is equal to about 5 b for CaCa collisions. On one hand it produces a significant gamma-rays background in the nuclear fragmentation region but on the other hand it could be used to monitoring the nuclear beam intensity at LHC. These secondary nuclear photons could be a good signal for triggering peripheral nuclear collisions.