E852 experiment

Analysis of Eta Pi0 system with the decay Eta -> Pi+ Pi- Pi0



Draft 5

Date: 25 May 2006

From: Suh-Urk

Subject: MC t' dependence

I have one thought.

Our MC events are already generated with a t distribution. Suppose they have been generated with EXP[-B*t]. Then we will need to compensate for it by multiplying all the new t-dependent amplitudes I have proposed--- with a factor EXP[+B*t].

Valodya, your MC events have been generated with a t-dependence ? Let me know. Thanks.

From: Suh-Urk

Gary, If the amplitudes contain a t dependence, then the MC events cannot have any t dependence. One should not double-count. Maybe I have misunderstood your remarks??

From: Gary Adams

Not so. We usually generate MC with t dependence to match the data. Without prior knowledge of the amplitudes I don't see any other way to do it. Gary

From: Gary Adams

Suh Urk: You are right. I didn't explain my concern very well because I didn't understand it myself. In Vladimir's note 7 he applies your constraint by specifying the full t dependence of each wave. The exponential part is given by to', which is not fitted. I agree that a full fit including to' would require no t dependence in the MC. But what should we do if the data do not exhibit this behavior? If t decouples from all the fit variables then I think you are correct that removing the t dependence of the MC is good enough. I thought this wouldn't work, but perhaps it is easier than I was thinking. If the t dependence of the MC is removed then we should be able to compare the fit results with the data for any given to'. If they agree in t, then there is no issue. One could expand the to' grid beyond the two values that were tried to see if an optimum value can be found. Regards, Gary

From: Neal Cason

Hi all: Don't forget, you have to have some t dependence in the Monte Carlo or you need a huge amount of Monte Carlo events. Plain old phase space is so non-exponential that almost none of the generated events are very likely in practice. Neal


Our raw MC events are calculated with t' dependence and parameters B=6.47 (GeV/c)^{-2}.

I remind that in PWA we used a ratio acc/raw in each mass bin. The next. fig demonstrates the very flat t' dependence of ratio acc/raw in EtaPi0 MC events. So the PWA results is not sensitive to t' dependence in MC events, if we don't consider the seperate t' bins.