E852 experiment
Analysis of Eta Pi0
system with the decay Eta -> Pi+ Pi- Pi0
Draft 5
Date: 17 Apr 2006
From: Neal Cason
Hi all:
I thought it might be helpful to compare the P^+D^+ phase difference
in the eta pizero data compared to our old result for the eta piminus.
See the attached pdf figure. It is clear that the phase difference
shapes are quite consistent. (Rather than overlaying the plots, I
scaled both figures to have the same scales and then drew horizontal and
vertical lines which show that the phase difference shapes are
consistent and that the mass dependences are consistent.)
From: Neal Cason
Hi Vladimir:
Note that in the figure I sent that your etapizero plot is listed as
"P^+-D^+" wheras the etapiminus plot is labelled "D^+-P^+". Since the
a2 is much narrower than the pi1, I think the labelling in the
etapiminus is correct and that in the etapizero is not. Can you check this?
From: Suh-Urk
It seems to me that the phase difference plots worked out
by Neal Cason is very illuminating...
I urge you to include it in our paper.
See Gary's comment and Note 6, Comparison the relative phases.
One more thning...have you had a chance to include t' dependence
in your likelihood fits? This might be revealing...
See Draft 3 and our discussion later
From: Gary Adams
Let's be a little careful here. As Vladimir has shown in "Note 5" a fit
with only D+ resonant looks very similar to the final one. The slopes in
the phase plot at low and hi mass are critical for determining resonance
parameters. Therefore I think the differences between etapi- and etapi0
are significant. I'm not sure adding a comparison plot would help the paper.
See Note 6, Comparison the relative phases.