Bulletin 2 *** AGENDA *** 19 DECEMBER, Wednesday Chairman: V.A.Matveev (INR) 9.30-9.40 V.I.Trukhin (MSU) "Welcome from Physics Department" 9.40-10.00 I.A.Golutvin (JINR) "RDMS in CMS (introductory talk)" 10.00-10.40 P.Bloch (CERN) "Status of CMS project" 10.40-11.10 K.Wulz (CERN) "Status of Physics at CMS" 11.10-11.30 break Chairman: I.A.Golutvin (JINR) 11.30-12.10 D.V.Shirkov (JINR) "The Ghost-free 'Analytic Perturbation Theory' in application to QCD observables" 12.10-12.40 V.A.Kuzmin (INR) "High energy cosmic rays and physics beyond standard model" 12.40-13.10 P.N.Pakhlov (ITEP) "Recent experimental results on CP-violation in B-physics" 13.10-13.30 E.E.Boos (SINP MSU) "Probing Extra Dimensions at LHC" 13.30-15.00 Lunch Chairman: N.E.Tyurin (IHEP) 15.00-15.20 A.Nikitenko (ITEP) "Tau trigger and H->2tau studies in CMS" 15.20-15.40 A.Starodumov (ITEP) "HLT for B Physics at CMS" 15.40-16.00 O.Kodolova (SINP MSU) "Status of dimuon reconstruction in heavy ion collisions at CMS" 16.00-16.20 V.Palichik (JINR) "Efficiency of H->4mu and Bs->2mu reconstruction in muon system by ORCA" 16.20-16.40 A.Toropin (INR) "Reconstruction of Ecal clusters in CMS. Modification of Ecal reconstruction algorithm." 16.40-17.00 break Chairman: V.I.Savrin (SINP MSU) 17.00-17.20 A.Oulianov, A.Krokhotin (ITEP) "Dependence of jet energy and space resolution on cone size" 17.20-17.40 I.Vardanyan (SINP MSU) "Using tracker for jet energy correction" 17.40-18.00 K.Teplov (SINP MSU) "Jet finding in HF in heavy ion collisions" 18.00-18.20 V.Konoplianikov (JINR) "Calibration of HCAL with gamma+jet channel" 18.20-18.40 S.Bityukov (IHEP) "On the reconstruction of high energy photons" 18.40-19.00 V.Kolosov (ITEP) "Simulation of effect on non-instrumented HF region" 20 DECEMBER, Thursday Chairman: L.I.Sarycheva (MSU) 9.30-10.00 P.Lecoq (CERN) "Lead Tungstate production for CMS" 10.00-10.20 V.V.Mikhailin (MSU) "Physics processes in heavy scintillators" 10.20-10.40 V.Katchanov (IHEP) "PWO electromagnetic calorimeter for BTeV, results of the beam test in IHEP" 10.40-11.00 A.Uzunian (IHEP) "PbWO4 Crystals Radiation Hardness under Gamma and Hadron Irradiation" 11.00-11.20 G.Drobychev (INP Minsk) "Influence of the PWO crystal radiation hardness on electromagnetic calorimeter performance" 11.20-11.40 V.Abramov (IHEP) "The Control of the HE Megatile Quality" 11.40-12.00 break Chairman: V.B.Gavrilov (ITEP) 12.00-12.30 D.Stickland (Princeton) "CMS Computing and Software" 12.30-12.50 V.Ilyin (SINP MSU) "Russian Regional Center for LHC Data Analysis" 12.50-13.10 E.Tikhonenko (JINR) "CMS Computing Activities in Russia" 13.10-13.30 L.Shamardin (SINP MSU) "CMS Testbed 1" 13.30-15.00 Lunch Chairman: A.I.Malakhov (JINR) 15.00-15.20 V.Petrov (IHEP) "Many Faces of Diffraction at CMS" 15.20-15.40 I.Lokhtin (SINP MSU) "B-physics in heavy ion collisions at CMS" 15.40-16.00 V.Korotkikh (SINP MSU) "Peripheral interaction physics in heavy ion collisions" 16.00-16.15 V.Uzhinskii, A.Galoyan (JINR) "Wavelet analysis of secondary particles angular distributions and simulated calorimeter data" 16.15-16.30 S.Shmatov (JINR) "On possibility of quark-gluon plasma formation in the non-central heavy ion collisions at LHC" 16.30-16.45 S.Petrushanko (SINP MSU) "Azimuthal anisotropy of energy flow in semi-central heavy ion collisions at CMS" 16.45-17.00 break Chairman: V.A.Kryshkin (IHEP) 17.00-17.15 Yu.Ivanov (PNPI) "PNPI participation in CMS Endcap Muon Detector" 17.15-17.30 V.Golovtsov (PNPI) "The track finding processor for Level-1 Trigger of CMS Endcap muon system" 17.30-17.45 A.Korablev (IHEP) "HE optics production database experience" 17.45-18.00 S.Gninenko (INR)"Short term instability of vacuumphototriods for ECAL end-cap" 18.00-18.15 P.Goncharov (IHEP) "Results of HE test beam 2001" 18.15-18.30 A.Krokhotin (ITEP) "Simulation of radiation damages of HE scintillating tiles" 19.00 Welcome drink 21 DECEMBER, Friday Chairman: V.V.Mikhailin (MSU) 9.30-10.10 A.Ball (CERN) "Overview of CMS construction and integration" 10.10-10.40 S.Kunori (Maryland) "Physics with the CMS HCAL" 10.40-11.10 V.Gavrilov (ITEP) "Status of CMS HCAL" 11.10-11.30 A.Gribushin (SINP MSU) "Radiation damage in optical fibers and attenuation of CMS HF calorimeter signal" 11.30-11.50 break Chairman: V.A.Ilyin (SINP MSU) 11.50-12.20 A.Snigirev (SINP MSU) "Investigation of matter structure in heavy ion collisions" 12.20-12.50 S.Slabospitsky (IHEP) "Top quark physics and search for charged Higgs at CMS" 12.50-13.10 N.Krasnikov (INR) "Determination of SUSY effective mass at CMS for the case of general MSSM" 13.10-13.30 M.Dubinin (SINP MSU) "Higgs production associated with jets" 13.30-15.00 Lunch Chairman: N.V.Krasnikov (INR) 15.00-15.20 S.Troshin (IHEP) "Challenge of hyperon polarization" 15.20-15.40 V.Kim (PNPI) "BFKL: High Energy Asymptotics for Jet and Higgs Production" 15.40-15.55 D.Gulevich (PNPI) "BFKL-effects for jet and heavy quark production: studies with Pythia" 15.55-16.10 V.Zykunov (GSTU Gomel) "Lowest order radiative corrections to W-production at hadron colliders" 16.10-16.25 A.Sannikov (IHEP) "New approach to prediction of Single Event Upset cross sections for high-energy hadrons" 16.25-16.40 R.Shulyakovsky (IP Minsk) "Properties of QCD-Instanton Final States at LHC" 16.40-17.00 break Chairman: E.E.Boos (SINP MSU) 17.00-17.20 S.Shulga (JINR) "SIMUB - Monte Carlo Generator for B decays" 17.20-17.40 L.Levchuk, D.Soroka (KIPT) "Possibilities to observe heavy Higgs signal in H --> ZZ --> ll\nu\nu decays at CMS" 17.40-18.00 D.Murashev (IHEP) "Charged Higgs boson contribution in tbbar production at LHC" 18.00-18.15 D.Gorbunov (INR) "Search for radion and sgoldstino at CMS" 18.15-18.30 N.Ilina (SINP MSU) "Observability of H-tau tau with detailed detector simulation" 18.30-18.45 A.Sherstnev (SINP MSU) "Reconstruction of Monte-Carlo single top events in ORCA" 18.45-18.50 Closing *** ADDRESS TO SPEAKERS *** Since the conference program is very tense, speakers are asked to plan their presentations strictly according to the timetable including questions. Paper copies of transparencies must be prepared in advance and handed to the Organizing Committee (to Anatoli Zarubin) during the meeting. Whenever possible paper copies should be made double-sided with a scale of two transparencies per page according to the schematic drawing given below. ____________ ____________ | | | | paper copy (A4 landscape) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | |transparency| |transparency| | | | | | | | | | | A | + | B | ===> | A B | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__________|__________| | | | | |____________| |____________| Speakers are also invited to send electronic version of the transparencies (as PS or PDF file) to: igor@lav01.sinp.msu.ru in order to put it on the web-site of the meeting. *** HOW TO REACH THE INSTITUTE *** The meeting will take place in the Physics Department of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. The number of auditorium will be specified later. The registration of participants and MSU passes issue will be held in December 18 (Tuesday), from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., in Building of High Energies ("Korpus Vysokikh Energii") of Institute of Nuclear Physics, room 2-07 (phone 939-12-57, internal calls 12-57). Participants arriving in December 19 and later can be registered and get MSU pass on the cite of meeting holding, beginning from Wednesday, 8 a.m. To arrange the appropriate accommodation, participants arriving in MSU between 10 p.m. in Dec 18 and 8 a.m. in Dec 19 are requested to inform the organizing committee (e@lav01.sinp.msu.ru) in advance. To reach MSU from the subway station "Universitet" you need to take the exit near the rear of a train arriving from the center of the city. Cross "Lomonosovski prospect" and go along universities buildings about 10 minutes up to "ulica Lebedeva". Cross this street and there you are near the Physics Department. You may find useful maps (in russian and english) on web-site of the meeting: http://lav01.sinp.msu.ru/rdmscms/ *** HOTEL LOCATIONS *** MSU hotel and dormitory are replaced in the MSU Main Building, a few minute walk away from the Physics Department crossing "ulica Khokhlova". Some participants could be settled in ITEP hotel (15, Profsoyuznaya ulica), which is reachable by tram 26.