Bulletin 1

   This is the first announcement of the 6th Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration
meeting 'Physics Program with the CMS Detector'.

   The meeting is organized by SINP-MSU, ITEP, INR and JINR and will be
held at M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow on December 19-21.
The goal of this meeting is the preparation of Physics Research at LHC
and the review of results in the year 2001.

   A wide discussion on both physics and detector development of CMS
experiment at LHC is foreseen. There will be three different types of

1. General talks on fundamental theoretical problems and on trends in
experimental physics.

2. Talks on physics at CMS and basic features of its subdetectors.

3. Original reports on results, obtained by the RDMS CMS groups,
presumably given by young physicists and students.

Organizing Committee

   L.I.Sarycheva (SINP-MSU) Lioudmila.Sarytcheva@cern.ch

   scientific secretaries:
   A.Yershov (SINP-MSU)     Alexandre.Erchov@cern.ch
   A.Ulyanov (ITEP)         Alexei.Oulianov@cern.ch

   V.Ilyin (SINP-MSU)       Viacheslav.Ilyin@cern.ch
   V.Kaftanov (ITEP)        Vitali.Kaftanov@cern.ch
   N.Krasnikov (INR)        Nikolai.Krasnikov@cern.ch
   V.Kryshkin (IHEP)        Victor.Krychkine@cern.ch
   L.Litovkina (ITEP)
   A.Pashenkov (INR)        pashenko@al20.inr.troitsk.ru
   V.Savrin (SINP-MSU)      Victor.Savrin@cern.ch
   A.Vasiliev (SINP-MSU)    A.Vasiliev@cern.ch, anv@opts.phys.msu.ru
   A.Zarubin (JINR)         Anatoli.Zaroubin@cern.ch

Program Committee

   V.Matveev (INR)          Victor.Matveev@cern.ch

   scientific secretary:
   I.Lokhtin (SINP-MSU)      Igor.Lokhtin@cern.ch

   E.Boos (SINP-MSU)       Eduard.Boos@cern.ch
   M.Della Negra (CERN)     Michel.Della.Negra@cern.ch
   D.Denegri (CERN)         Daniel.Denegri@cern.ch
   V.Gavrilov (ITEP)        Vladimir.Gavrilov@cern.ch
   I.Golutvin (JINR)        Igor.Goloutvine@cern.ch
   R.Kvatadze (Tbilisi)     Ramazi.Kvatadze@cern.ch
   A.Malakhov (JINR)        Alexandre.Malakhov@cern.ch
   V.Mikhailin (SINP-MSU)   mikh@opts.phys.msu.ru
   N.Shumeiko (Minsk)        Nikolai.Choumeiko@cern.ch
   A.Sirounian (Yerevan)    Albert.Sirounian@cern.ch
   P.Sorokin (Kharkov)      Pavel.Sorokine@cern.ch
   N.Tyurin  (IHEP)         Nikolai.Tiourine@cern.ch
   I.Vankov (Sofia)         Ivan.Vankov@cern.ch
   T.Virdee (CERN)          Tejinder.Virdee@cern.ch
   A.Vorobyov (PNPI)        Alexei.Vorobiev@cern.ch

   Participants are invited to register by November 1, 2001. The on-line
registration form is available at the web page of the Meeting:
http://lav01.sinp.msu.ru/rdmscms  .

Participants from Dubna Member States, please also contact with Anatoli
Zarubin (Anatoli.Zaroubin@cern.ch).

All questions and suggestions can be addressed to the Scientific Secretary
of the Organizing Committee, Alexander Yershov (Alexandre.Erchov@cern.ch).
Fax of the organizing committee is 007-095-9395888.

Prof. L.I.Sarycheva,                   Chair of the Organizing Committee